How an elder law attorney can help family caregivers

Many Kentucky families have had the experience of taking care of an aging relative. These relatives can have complicated medical and personal issues. Caregivers have an important relationship with their elderly relative and perform important tasks. Along with caregivers, an elder law attorney can offer valuable services. Elder law attorneys work with seniors and their [...]

By |2023-06-26T11:43:04-04:00June 18th, 2021|Elder care|Comments Off on How an elder law attorney can help family caregivers

What is the Medicaid look back period and how can it affect you?

You may have cared for a senior loved one for many years, but eventually the task becomes too burdensome, and you may find that the best care option for your loved one is to enter a nursing home. It is no secret that nursing home care in Kentucky is prohibitively expensive. Most people plan on [...]

By |2021-06-07T05:03:17-04:00June 7th, 2021|Medicaid|Comments Off on What is the Medicaid look back period and how can it affect you?
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