Why Wills are important for parents with young children

There are many aspects of life that demand people in Kentucky’s attention. Daily life provides enough to worry about plus people try to plan for future aspects of their lives as well. As people deal with these aspects of life it is easy to overlook one of the only guarantees of life, which is the [...]

By |2021-03-22T10:05:27-04:00March 22nd, 2021|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Why Wills are important for parents with young children

Kentucky’s new community property trust law

Many people are familiar with the term "community property" from its role in divorce under the laws of certain states. Under a law that went into effect last year, it can also be important for estate planning here in Kentucky. The Kentucky Community Property Trust Act allows married couples to choose to make community property [...]

By |2023-06-26T11:40:38-04:00March 1st, 2021|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Kentucky’s new community property trust law
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